Enrol Into A Course

It is so easy to start a course with us. Follow the steps below and join our classes now.

Step 1

Create Account

Step 2

Request For An Interview

Step 3

Login Your Account

Step 4

Join Course(s)

Step 1: Create Account

  • Visit the link here to enrol
  • Enter the needed details
  • Submit and logout

Step 2: Request for an interview

  • Login your account using the link here
  • Click the button request for an interview
  • Wait for contact. If we delay please send a message on whatsapp on 0776590814

Step 3: Login Your Account

  • After Approval
  • Login to your account
  • You can browse for everything

Step 4: Join Course(s)

  • Click on courses
  • Join a course
  • Study the available documents and attend classes

Let's Get Started

Join our community and help us build it and you will be forever thanked for your contributions. Teach and Learn free.